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    After more than 20 years of development and accumulation, yingjing kaiquan industrial co., ltd. has formed its own unique cultural concept system, including: company mission, company vision, values, development concept and enterprise spirit five elements. Among them, the mission of the company answers the question "why do we exist", embodies the social responsibility of all people, and is the internal driving force of all sustainable development; The vision of the company answers the question of "where are we going?" and describes the ideal blueprint for all employees to fight for. It is the pursuit that must be established to realize the foundation of the whole industry. Values answer the question "what should we do?". They are the core of the whole culture. Development philosophy answers the question "what laws do we follow?" it is the general principle guiding the development of full operation and management activities. It is the operating philosophy that must be followed in order to fulfill the mission and realize the vision. Enterprise spirit answers the question of "what kind of inner attitude and behavior style should we have". It is the team temperament and spiritual outlook that all employees should have. It is the extension of the whole value system in employees' thinking and behavior.

    Company mission - to lead the industry progress, create a better life!

    Continuous progress of the industry is an important driving force for the healthy development of the industry and social and economic harmony. As a professional enterprise deeply engaged in stone research and development for more than 20 years, kaiquan stone has made a unique contribution to the healthy development and social development of the industry as a leader in the industry. Looking forward to the future, kaiquan will strive to become an excellent enterprise trusted by customers, proud employees and satisfied partners through continuous high-quality products and services, and make new contributions in promoting social progress and economic development.

    Company vision -- to become a modern new stone industry chain service enterprise trusted by customers, proud employees and satisfied partners!

    In the development process of more than 20 years, kaiquan stone conforms to the trend of The Times and market development needs, up and down, actively seek for change, seize the opportunity, adjust the strategy, the enterprise has always maintained vitality, established a good reputation and excellent goodwill. In the future development road, kaiquan will take advantage of the trend, aim high, to "become trusted by customers, employees proud, partners satisfied with the modern new stone industry chain service enterprise" as its goal.

    Open all stone not only to make the company's products and services by the customer's favor and love, the company's cultural atmosphere to make employees happy and proud, the company's performance to make partners assured and satisfied, but also actively fulfill social responsibility, Thanksgiving return to the society; Not only for customers and partners to create outstanding value, but also for the society, the environment to create satisfactory value!

    Values - recommitment to keep faith, performance-oriented, practical results, forge ahead, ethics, people-oriented

    It is the core value of kequan and the foundation of kequan. Performance orientation is the guiding ideology of the whole strategy development; Practical results, forge ahead is to open the first attitude of development; Lide liren, people-oriented is the main purpose of full operation management.

    Keep promise:

    We uphold fairness and justice, respect the rule of law, respect institutions, and uphold the bottom line of law and morality.

    Abide by business ethics and spirit of contract, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of stakeholders, keep promises, and integrate knowledge with practice.

    It advocates sincere and frank interpersonal communication, non-standard and non-arbitrary, and builds simple and transparent management atmosphere.

    Performance oriented:

    As a business organization, performance is the lifeline for the survival and development of the enterprise, we must adhere to the strength to compete, pay for return, performance to speak, in order to continue to create value for the society.

    The "performance orientation" led by kaiquan is not only reflected in the scale of operation and the speed of development, but also reflected in the improvement of organizational ability, the innovation of management mode and the cultivation of excellent talents. It is a comprehensive, balanced and high-quality performance.  

    We believe that a business without growth is not a good business, and a team without performance is not a good team. Therefore, performance is an important criterion for selecting, employing, evaluating and motivating people.

    Practical results:

    To do practical work means to be pragmatic and rework. We should keep our feet on the ground and face up to difficulties head-on. We should keep a close eye on problems and difficulties and implement them.

    Actual effect, that is, to promote specific work, to make achievements, to promote the development of the company, and then to promote the development of the industry and the development of society. Kaiquan people always adhere to the pragmatic work style, in the practice of practical results in the performance of their duties, strive to make the best results in the most ordinary post, with a pragmatic attitude to create efficient performance!

    Forge ahead:

    Kaiquan people have always been firm faith, up and down with one heart, on the road of deepening development, not afraid of difficulties, courage, and achieved certain excellent results. In the future, we will not forget the original intention, forge ahead, forge ahead, never stop!


    To establish people first, to do things first. Without common ideals and beliefs, and good ethics, the healthy and long-term development of an enterprise cannot be realized. Therefore, open all in the recruitment, employment will also be "DE" in the first place.


    We should fully respect people's value, develop people's potential, sublimate people's heart, care for and treat employees well from the links of life, emotion and growth, build a platform for value realization for employees, share development results with employees, and help them realize happy work and happy life.  

    Open stone to comply with and meet the reasonable needs of human nature, advocate a positive, green, healthy and environmental friendly lifestyle, to provide customers with quality products and services, so that customers' lives more healthy and happy.

    Development philosophy -- the long-term development of the enterprise cannot be separated from the trust of customers, the belonging of employees and the support of partners. Therefore, after more than 20 years of development, kaiquan has formed a set of complete development philosophy from the three aspects of operation management, customer service and team building.

    Business philosophy: focus on the stone industry chain, solid, good, strong!

    Service concept: craftsman spirit, professional and efficient, customer satisfaction as the ultimate goal!

    Team philosophy: people-oriented, people to the best of their ability, collaborative and efficient

    Enterprise spirit -- professionalism, hard work, innovation, dedication

    Professionalism is a work attitude that reflects kaiquan's focus on lean, efficiency and excellence. It requires us to:

    Proficient in their own, rigorous and meticulous, excellence.

    Love work, full of passion, efficient and high quality.

    Action learning, continuous improvement, the pursuit of excellence.

    Hard work is a kind of spirit, is the belief of the whole life. It requires us to:

    Unwilling to lag behind, yearning for development, tenacious enterprising.

    Not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of danger, never give up.

    Innovation is the driving force of kaiquan, which reflects that kaiquan requires us to:

    Open up the mind, keen vision, grasp the direction.

    Dare to be the first, strive for first-class, never stop.

    Dedication is a spiritual realm that reflects kaiquan's concern for dedication, responsibility and passion. It requires us to:

    Remember the mission, loyal to duty, dedication.

    The overall situation, the courage to take responsibility, organization first.

    Sunshine upward, hard work, always maintain passion.